TEMCO [Terengganu International Eco and Marine Tourism Conference 2015]
The Terengganu Tourism Association (PPNT) in collaboration with the Terengganu State Government and Ministry of Tourism Malaysia invite you to join us in Terengganu for the 6th Terengganu Eco & Marine Tourism Conference 2015 [TEMCO 2015] at Primula Beach Hotel from 14-15 September 2015.
The Nature of Terengganu
Terengganu is endowed with unmatched natural beauty. Having the longest coastline of wonderful beaches, the lush tropical rainforest, a hidden paradise unmoved by time and stunning islands with their tranquil emerald waters which turn magnificently golden hues at the touch of the sun's first rays. This is the uniqueness of Terengganu that leads the tourism sector especially in Eco & Marine tourism.
The Conference
TEMCO 2015 is Terengganu's 6th International Eco & Marine Tourism Conference that focuses on sustainability and discusses practical ideas and solutions that inspire positive changes in the Eco & Marine Tourism sector. The 6th TEMCO will present you with a program relevant to Eco & Marine Tourism where the representatives are from industry players, State Government, Tour Guides, Tourism Organisers, and the public.
To create Terengganu as a superior tourism destination for eco and marine tourism sector.
* To create Terengganu as a superior tourism destination for Eco & Marine Tourism
* To inspire industry players and government officials to think 'Responsible Tourism'
* To create awareness on Eco & Marine tourism among communities
* To encourage the community to become involved in the Eco & Marine tourism sector by providing homestays,
* To inspire industry players and government officials to think 'Responsible Tourism'
* To create awareness on Eco & Marine tourism among communities
* To encourage the community to become involved in the Eco & Marine tourism sector by providing homestays,
kampongstays, etc.
* To encourage the community to venture into tourism boats for snorkeling, diving and sailing
* To promote & brand Terengganu State as an Eco & Marine tourism destination
* To identify the potential of Eco & Marine products in Terengganu
* To propose the upgrading and improvement in the Eco & Marine tourism sector without disturbing the
* To encourage the community to venture into tourism boats for snorkeling, diving and sailing
* To promote & brand Terengganu State as an Eco & Marine tourism destination
* To identify the potential of Eco & Marine products in Terengganu
* To propose the upgrading and improvement in the Eco & Marine tourism sector without disturbing the
ecosystem and environment in Terengganu.
Monday, 14 September 2015
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0800-0830 AM
0900-0930 AM
0930-1000 AM
Participants Registration
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Address by Tourism Exco
Tea Break / Press conference
1000-1100 AM
Session 1 Island Tourism Challenges : Perspective and Lesson
1100-1200 PM
Session 2 Forest Biodiversity : Restoration, Conservation and Protection
1200-1300 PM
Session 3 Setiu Wetlands: Potential Wetlands in Ecotourism
1300-1400 PM
1400-1500 PM
Session 4 Leveraging Malay Culture and Heritage into Ecotourism
1500-1600 PM
Session 5 Ecotourism Business Plan
1600-1630 PM
Tea Break
1630-1730 PM
1730-1830 PM
Session 6 Coral Reef Value in Bidong Island : “ The Way Forward”
Session 7 Campaigning and Advocating Wildlife Conservation in Malaysia
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
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0730 AM
Gather at Primula Beach Hotel, Lobby
0800 AM
Depart to Setiu Wetlands River Safari
River Cruise at Setiu River Safari
Visit Kampung Mangkok and Penarik Fishing Village
1300 PM
1400 PM
Activities release Tuntung
1500 PM
Depart back to Primula Beach Hotel
1600 PM
Tour End
Contact Person :
Ms. Ainaa | Tel : +609-6262020 Fax : +609-6228093 Email : info@terengganutourism.com
Disclaimer: Admin of Kenali Terengganu blog do not have any association with the organizer of this conference. The information is shared here solely for the purpose of promoting tourism related activity in Terengganu. For further information, please contact the Contact Person above. Thank you.
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